
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga's Visit to the Solo – Yogyakarta Toll Road – NYIA Kulonprogo

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga's Visit to the Solo – Yogyakarta Toll Road – NYIA Kulonprogo

Solo – Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto visited the – Yogyakarta – NYIA Kulon Progo Toll Road accompanied by the Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita on Saturday (19/06/2021).

During his visit, the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga said that the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs fully supports the construction process and will continue to encourage the process of accelerating the completion of the Solo - Yogyakarta - NYIA Kulon Progo Toll Road and the Yogyakarta - Bawen Toll Road.

"With the construction of these two toll roads, of course, we hope that the development of the area around the toll road has been highly anticipated. Regions in North Java and South Java usually have infrastructure imbalances, so with this infrastructure it is hoped that it will be able to connect ports in North Java with labor-intensive industries in the South," explained Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga.

The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs added that the homework on the Yogyakarta – Bawen Toll Road project that is very important at this time is the need for funding allocation for land acquisition. Later, the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs will continue to coordinate with related parties to find solutions to the need for funding allocations.

Currently, the progress of the Yogyakarta – Bawen Toll Road in section 1 (Yogyakarta – Banyurejo) is in the land acquisition stage, while for Sections 2 – 5 (Banyurejo – Bawen) it is in the process of determining the location. For the Solo – Yogyakarta – NYIA Kulonprogo Toll Road, the progress is currently in the stage of land acquisition.

The toll road that passes through these two provinces, namely Central Java and Yogyakarta is a National Strategic Project (PSN) which will later be connected to the Semarang – Solo Toll Road. By connecting this toll road, it will provide access to support the smooth flow of traffic to three airports, namely New Yogyakarta International Airport in Kulonprogo, Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang and Adi Soemarmo in Solo.

Government programs in supporting the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN) of Borobudur Temple and other tourism areas such as Prambanan Temple and the Piyungan Creative Economy Park Industrial Area are also expected to increase the growth of tourism and economic areas.

Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency Danang Parikesit added that once this toll road is operational, it will be able to further improve connectivity and accessibility between regions, develop areas traversed by toll roads, and increase economic growth and tourism in the Central Java region.

"Later on, there will be development at each toll exit so that it can maintain spatial planning and create a new economy and new industrial development." The Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency, Danang Parikesit, explained

Technically, the Yogyakakarta – NYIA Kulonprogo Toll Road which is managed by PT Jogjasolo Marga Makmur has a total length of 96.57 Km, consisting of Section 1 (Kartasura – Purwomartani) 42.37 Km with a target operation in the third quarter of 2023, Section 2 (Purwomartani – JC Sleman) 15.46 km and Section 3 (JC Sleman – Purworejo) 38.74 km with a target to operate in the third quarter of 2024.

For the Yogyakarta – Bawen Toll Road managed by PT Jasamarga Jogja Bawen along 75.82 Km consisting of Section 1 (Yogyakarta – Banyurejo) 8.25 Km, Section 2 (Banyurejo – Borobudur) 15.26 Km, Section 3 (Borobudur – Magelang ) 8 Km , Section 4 (Magelang – Temanggung) 16.46 Km, Section 5 (Temanggung – Ambarawa) 22.56 Km and Section 6 (Ambarawa – Bawen) 5.21 Km Overall this toll road is targeted to operate in 2024.

Also attending the visit were President Director of PT Jogjasolo Marga Makmur Adrian Priohutomo, Technical Director of PT Jogjasolo Marga Makmur Adrian Priohutomo Pristi Wahyono, PGD President Director of PT Jasamarga Jogja Bawen Oemi Vierta Moerdika, Chairman of the KPPIP Implementation Team Wahyu Utomo and Chairman of Commission XI DPR RI Dito Ganindito. (BPJT/Vivi)

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