The Ministry of National Road Ready PUPR sure Crossed passenger
The Ministry of National Road Ready PUPR sure Crossed passenger
Facing Idul Fitri 2016, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono ensure national roads in a condition ready, following the results of inspections and reviews directly across the Echelon I and 2 Ministry PUPR to the streets in Sumatra, Java, Bali, South Sulawesi and South Kalimantan.
The results of the inspection showed that the total road and bridge along 18317.7 km in all areas of interest are generally steady and ready to be passed. The figure consists of 7,961 kilometers of roads and 42.70 kilometers of toll roads in Sumatra, 7164 kilometers and 668 kilometers of toll roads in Java and Bali, and 2,482 kilometers in South Kalimantan and South Sulawesi.
"Inspections carried out since the distant days to allow time to fix," added Minister Basuki Ministry PUPR since the beginning of 2016 have also been coordinating with various stakeholders such as Korlantas Police and the Directorate General of Land Relations Ministry of Transportation in order to prepare the route.
5 New Toll Roads Opened While
At homecoming this year, the public can take advantage of two new toll roads that have been opened are toll-Pemalang Pejagan Section I and II (Pejagan-Brebes East) along 20.20 kilometers, and the Surabaya-Mojokerto Section IV (Mojokerto-Krian) along the 18 kilometer ,
However, to be able to serve lanes Quartermaster, Ministry PUPR will also open a temporary 5 toll roads on the H-3 widths. The fifth of this segment is a segment Kertosono-Mojokerto (Mojokerto West-Mojokerto North) along the 5 kilometer, Bawen-Salatiga (15 kilometers), Solo, Ngawi (Solo-Sragen) along the 25 kilometers and Gempol-Pandaan (Bangil-Rembang) 7km and Bakauheni-Terbanggi Big ie from Sabah Balau-Kota Baru along the 5 km and Bakauheni-Hatta village along the 7.1 km.
To improve service on the motorway, KemenPUPR also conduct transaction integration toll road from Jakarta to East Brebes, which was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo application, Thursday (16/6) then. Integration toll payment system is divided into two clusters, namely Jakarta-Cikampek-Purwakarta-Padaralarang-Cileunyi and Cikopo palimanan (cluster 1) and palimanan-Kanci-Pejagan-Pemalang (cluster 2).
With the integration of toll payments from Jakarta to Brebes East, then the transaction is conducted behind closed doors at three toll booths that Toll Gate Cikarang Utama (making cards for cluster 1), Palilmanan (toll payments for cluster 1 and making cards for cluster 2) and Brebes East ( toll payments cluster 2).
To reduce the density and wasting time transactions at toll gates, Minister Basuki urged people to pay tolls electronically. "So that does not happen a long queue of vehicles, we recommend using electronic transactions. Predictable payments each vehicle was 8 seconds, "he said. Electronic payments in cluster 1 can be made through Bank Mandiri, BRI, BNI, BTN and BCA, whereas cluster 2 through Bank Mandiri, BRI, BNI and BTN.
For national road, one of the nodes of congestion in the southbound lanes, this year will also be solved which is in District Sumpiuh, Banyumas. There are markets, train stations and railroad crossings where the current flows back and forth frequently in the accumulation of the vehicle to cause congestion to 4 km.
This year, with the ring road Sumpiuh inaugurated on June 22, 2016 is expected to travelers from Purwokerto to D.I.Y direction or towards Solo can be through the ring road and to avoid congestion at the three vertices Sumpiuh.
New Road Construction Rim Sumpiuh commenced land acquisition in 2011 gradually to 2013 amounted to 131 222 square meters and conducted three construction packages with a contract value of about USD 87 billion. Sumpiuh circumference length is 5.05 kilometers with a width of 7.5 meters, while the old road has a length of 4.6 kilometers with a width of 7 meters.
Alert Heavy Equipment Natural Disaster Anticipation
Rainfall is relatively increased lately to be anticipated, especially when potentially cause natural disasters. Basuki cited a number of points in the segment landslide prone like Kabanjahe-Lawe Pakam & Ruas Tarutung-Sibolga in North Sumatra. "Then Ruas Kandis Pekanbaru-Riau, Pekanbaru Payakumbuh segment Riau, Jambi and Pekanbaru Segment Segment-Limit Bengkulu Lahat South Sumatra," he said.
To that end, the Ministry PUPR has prepared a number of posts in the various areas prone to landslides as a precaution. At the command post stationed personnel on duty and heavy equipment. Similarly, the streets are often flooded, such as Highway Kaligawe Semarang which is often hit by rob. As an emergency measure penanggulan rob, temporary dike will be made of sacks. We have also been prepared 12 pumps to suck water rob.