
Indonesian President Inaugurates Section IV Tol Surabaya - Mojokerto

Indonesian President Inaugurates Section IV Tol Surabaya - Mojokerto

President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, inaugurated the toll road of Surabaya - Mojokerto Section IV, (Krian - Mojokerto) on Saturday (03/19) in Mojokerto, East Java. Tol Surabaya - Mojokerto or commonly called the 'toll Sumo' is part of the Trans Java toll. Toll Sumo extends along 36,27km and connecting Surabaya to Mojokerto.

 The ceremony was also present the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Hadimuljono Basuki, Director General (DG) of Highways, Hediyanto W. Husaini and Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Herry TZ.

 Hediyanto said Toll Sumo consists of four sections, namely:

- Section IA: Waru - Along (2,3km)

   section IB: Throughout - WRR (4,3km)

- Section II: WRR - Driyorejo (5,1km)

- Section III: Driyorejo - Kriyan (6,1km)

- Section IV: Kriyan - Mojokerto (18,47km).

 Director General of Highways said, Section IV (Kriyan-Mojokerto) were unveiled today, built with construction funds amounting Rp681,52 billion. As for the land acquisition, toll 18.47 km of the spending allocations as Rp210,3 billion.

 After the operation later, PT Marga Nujyasumo Court (MNA) as the Toll Road Agency (BUJT) Sumo toll is estimated to have a daily traffic of 12,600 vehicles per day. Previous section IA toll Sumo (Waru-Along / 2.3 km) has been operating since August 2011.

 Sumo Toll Road was built with an investment of Rp3.2 trillion with a concession period of 42 years. As for section IB (All - WRR) of the total length, 4.3 Km, 94.91 percent of land has been cleared and construction has reached 62.85 percent.

As for Section II (WRR - Driyorejo / 5.1 km) and Section III (Driyorejo-Kriyan / 6.1 km) progress ppembebasan land each by 67.75 percent and 76.72 percent. The construction of this highway aims to reduce congestion on arterial roads Surabaya to Mojokerto and a positive impact on improving the economy in the region.

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