
Lubuk Linggau - Curup - Bengkulu Toll Road, Cut Travel Time Only 1 - 2 Hours from Lubuk Linggau to Bengkulu

Lubuk Linggau - Curup - Bengkulu Toll Road, Cut Travel Time Only 1 - 2 Hours from Lubuk Linggau to Bengkulu

Bekasi - The government through the Ministry of PUPR's BPJT continues to improve connectivity between economic growth centers on the island of Sumatra. The 95.8 Km Lubuk Linggau - Curup - Bengkulu Toll Road is part of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road connectivity.

The construction of this toll road aims to support and encourage the economic growth of the people in Lubuk Linggau and Bengkulu Province and its surroundings. After this toll road is operational, drivers will only take 1-2 hours from Lubuk Linggau to reach Bengkulu City.

The Lubuk Linggau - Curup - Bengkulu Toll Road is divided into 3 sections, namely Section 1 Lubuk Linggau - Kepahiang (54.5 Km), Section 2 Kepahiang - Taba Penanjung (23.7 Km), and Section 3 Taba Penanjung - Bengkulu (17, 6 km).

Currently, the construction progress of Section 3 of the Lubuk Linggau - Curup - Bengkulu Toll Road section of the Taba Penanjung - Bengkulu section of 17.6 km has reached 84.62%. It is targeted that the construction will be completed by the end of 2021 and can then be operated.

The existence of this toll road is integrated with the development of the Baai Port and supports tourism connectivity in Bumi Raflesia.

Uniquely, this toll road segment will be equipped with a 7 km long tunnel through the Bukit Barisan with a maximum depth of 352 meters. In addition, there is also a long-span bridge that stretches over the valley with pillar heights reaching 45-90 meters.

Through the presence of the Lubuk Linggau - Curup - Bengkulu Toll Road, it aims to cut logistics costs and speed up driving time so that the competitiveness of Indonesian products can increase.

Until now, the Trans Sumatra Toll Road has been operating for 673 km, consisting of 9 toll roads. The 9 toll roads are:

1. Bakauheni - Terbanggi Besar 140 Km

2. Terbanggi Besar - Agung Wood 189 Km

3. Kayu Agung - Palembang - Betung 38 Km

4. Belawan - Medan - Tanjung Morawa 43 Km

5. Medan - Binjai 17 Km

6. Medan - Kualanamu - High Cliff 62 Km

7. Palembang - Indralaya 22 Km

8. Sigli - Banda Aceh Section 3-4 30 Km

9. Pekanbaru - Dumai 132 Km. (BPJT/Dms)

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