Page 109 - Buku Annual Report BPJT 2021
P. 109
Mohammad Zainal Fatah Toll roads are part of the national road 790.8 kilometer (km) in length have been
network. Development of toll roads is vital in operation. Afterwards, from 2015 to
Secretary General of the Ministry of Public to more efficient connectivity to support 2021, 1,666.4 km-long toll roads were
Works and Housing economic growth and build up competitive constructed. Then, toll roads with a
edge. total of 2,728.2 km in length is planned
for development during 2020 to 2024,
For that reason, toll road development meaning that 4,817 km in total will finish
has to be in synergy with development construction by the end of 2024.
of productive areas such as industrial
he 2020–2024 National Medium- estates, tourism spots, airports, and According to the Visium of the Ministry
Term Development Plan (RPJMN) ports. For example, Trans-Sumatra Toll of Public Works and Housing 2030,
Tstipulates that infrastructure Road connects Lampung Industrial Park development of various infrastructures by
development is aimed at 3 goals. These Area with Panjang Port, Lampung, and the ministry requires a huge investment of
three goals comprise basic service Bakauheuni; Trans-Java Toll Road supports around Rp2,058 trillion. Of the total funds
that focuses on transportation safety the connectivity between the Industry required, the State Budget (APBN) allocates
and security, development of multi- Areas (KI) of Jababeka, Karawang, Subang Rp623 trillion, resulting in an Rp1,435 trillion
mode connectivity to improve the in West Java, and Batang in Central Java or about 70 percent gap from the total
service of the national logistic system with Merak Port, Tanjung Priok Port, and budget requirement. Meanwhile, it already
in support of increased competitive Patimban Port; while Makassar New Port costs Rp573 trillion for development of
edge and economic growth of the Toll Road connects Makassar City with the road and bridge infrastructures.
said port.
nation, and urban infrastructure This imbalance between budget
development. Until 2014, toll roads with a total of requirement for infrastructure
development and the existing funding from
the government calls for a breakthrough in
policies. To expedite toll road development
in Indonesia, various toll road concession
funding schemes are offered, which are
also known as creative financing, through
involvement of private companies and
In support of toll road development, the
government encourage acceleration
of land acquisition by incorporating the
bailout fund strategy using the funding
from Toll Road Business Entities (TRBE),
which is then reimbursed by the State
Asset Management Institution (LMAN).
This strategy ensures the certainty in
land acquisition so as to speed up toll
road construction. In view of this, the
funding from the Ministry of Public Works
and Housing can be relocated to improve
connectivity, for example by building roads
across those frontier, isolated, and least
developed regions (3T).
The length of toll roads increases every
year, and so do the number of toll road
business entities (TRBE) involved. It can
also suggest that the toll road industry
has managed to attract more investors,
Improving Governance in The Provision of Tollroad in Indonesia | 109