
Toll Road Preparedness Toward the 2017 and 2018 New Year Holidays

Toll Road Preparedness Toward the 2017 and 2018 New Year Holidays

Thursday, (21/12) has been held Press Release of Toll Road Preparedness Towards Christmas Holiday 2017 and New Year 2018. The event held at Media Center Main Building of Ministry of PUPR was attended by Head of Toll Road Herry Trisaputra Zuna, Secretary of Directorate General of Highways Ir. Soebagiono M.Sc (Eng) and Director of Development of Environmental Health Settlement of Directorate General of Human Settlements Ir. Dodi Krispratmadi, M.Env.E.

On that occasion the Head of BPJT said that at the time of the Christmas holidays 2017 and New Year 2018 all operational toll roads are ready to serve the flow of traffic, including the newly inaugurated highway. It is predicted that the peak of Christmas homecoming traffic will occur on Friday, December 22, 2017 with a peak behind Christmas on Tuesday 26 December 2017, while for the peak of new year traffic flow occurs on Friday 29 December 2017 and the turning point on Monday 1 January 2017.

There are predicted points to be the locations of traffic congestion, namely SS Cikunir - West Karawang (the location of Jakarta - Cikampek Elevated toll road construction, LRT Jabodebek and Jakarta - Bandung fast railway), Cikarang Utama Toll Gate, East Brebes Toll Gate , Gadong Access, Tangerang Toll Road - Merak and around Rest and Service (TIP).


To improve the toll road services during the 2017 Christmas holidays and New Year's Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) make efforts such as temporarily suspend the implementation of toll road construction works that can disrupt the smooth flow of traffic back and forth back Christmas 2017 and New Year 2018 on December 22, 2017 from 00.00 till 1 January 2018 at 24.00, optimizing the number of toll roads for operation and functioning of reversible toll booths to increase capacity at toll booths, improving Rest and Recess and Service (TIP) services including the availability and cleanliness of toilets inside IT / TIP, adding mobile toilet and toilet facilities for women, vehicle parking arrangements within IT / TIP as well as 11 Parking Bay operations.

In addition, BPJT also provides supporting facilities for the implementation of non-cash toll transactions in the form of sales of electronic money cards, top up facilities, mobile reader and motion services from banks and assignment of tapping officers, monitoring traffic conditions using CCTV and RTMS especially at locations prone to congestion, current toll road conditions through i-toll and JMCARE mobile applications, Variable Message Sign (VMS), and other information channels, as well as VMS Mobile deployment to extend coverage of information and last intensively coordinate with police and related agencies with traffic management toll roads during the 2017 Christmas holiday season and new year 2018.

If there is traffic congestion on the toll road, there will be traffic arrangements coordinated by the Police in the form of implementation of contra flow, traffic channel arrangement towards IT / TIP so as not to disturb traffic, IT open / close settings, TIP and Parking Bay if vehicle parking capacity is full and traffic diversion when long queue occurs.

The traffic diversion scheme during the 2017 and 2018 New Year holiday festivities, traffic diversion at the East Serang Toll Gate to the West Serang Toll Gate if the queue reaches 1 KM, traffic diversion at the Merak Toll Gate to the West Cilegon Toll Gate if the queue reaches 4 KM, traffic transfer at West Cilegon Toll Gate to East Cilegon Toll Gate if queue reach 1 KM, traffic transfer in SS Cikunir to Toll Gate kalimalang 2, traffic diversion at Palimanan Toll Gate to Sumberjaya Toll Gate if queue reaches 5 KM and other traffic schemes that are considered necessary to be coordinated by the police.

It is expected that the toll road users should keep safe and orderly driving and ensure sufficient balance of electronic money before entering the toll road.

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