Solo-Ngawi Toll Road Begin To Built
Solo toll road development Mantingan - Ngawi ( Java - Java ) along the 90 kilometers begins today . Public Works Minister Djoko Kirmanto , launched the start of construction of the toll road in the village of Miri District Kebakramat Karanganyar , Thursday ( 26/9 ). According to the Minister of Public Works , the highway is part of the Trans Java toll road connecting Jakarta with other cities in central and eastern Java . This track will be the main line distribution of passengers , goods , and services .
- Solo toll road Mantingan - Ngawi also part of the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development ( MP3EI ) Java Economic Corridor . " The highway is aimed at increasing the capacity of the road network on the island of Java, as well as encourage the development of support areas in Central Java and East Java." said Minister of Public Works
Financing highway construction is being carried out with the support scheme for improving the financial viability pemeintah . Support in the form of land acquisition and construction of some roads along the 20.90 km expressway which is funded through the state budget . From 2009 to 2014 , funding for land acquisition amounting to Rp . 1.7 billion and for construction of 20.90 km of toll roads amounting to Rp. 1.5 trillion. Land requirements for the construction of this highway is 755 Ha . To date have been released covering 624 ha ( 82.69 percent ).
Toll Road Concession Agreement ( PPJT ) Solo- Mantingan - Ngawi signed on June 28, 2011 with the Toll Road Enterprises Ngawi Solo PT Jaya where d is the majority shareholder of PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia .
Highway construction investment value Solo- Mantingan - Ngawi portion Enterprises Toll Road is Rp . 5.2 trillion, which would be met through equity and loans from a syndicate of banks led by Bank Mandiri. "We expect the construction of Toll Road Solo- Mantingan - Ngawi backed by strong funding and professional partners can be executed properly and follow all the provisions in the concession agreement, " he said. Toll Road Solo- Mantingan - Ngawi will open greater access to the region around Solo and border regions of Central Java Province and East Java province so as to develop the economic potential of the region .
Deputy Governor of Central Jwa , Heru Sujatmoko , say , through the construction of the toll road is expected to be able to improve the economy of the people in this province .
He said for the Central Java Provincial Budgets 2013 infrastructure development fund set up to Rp . 0.5 trillion and in 2014 rose to Rp . 1.5 trillion .
Karanganyar regent, Rina Iriani Sr. said for land acquisition, to date has reached 73.8 percent and is expected to finish this year has now been settled everything .
Sources : National Journal , 27 September 2013