
BPJT Perform Trial Launching System Integration Transactions in Toll Gate palimanan

BPJT Perform Trial Launching System Integration Transactions in Toll Gate palimanan

BPJT Perform Trial Launching System Integration Transactions in Toll Gate palimanan

Palimanan West Java, (13/06), Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) will pilot the integration of transaction systems in Toll Gate palimanan, this was done by the letter of the Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) No. UM.01.11-P / 08 dated February 16, 2016 and No. PW.01.01-P / 11 dated May 13, 2016.
Pilot integration system the transaction is conducted in order to expedite the flow of traffic between the motorway which connects not only the Jakarta-Cikampek Cikampek-palimanan, but also the Cikampek-Purwakarta-Padalarang, Padalarang-Cileunyi, Palimanan-Kanci, Kanci-Pejagan, and Pejagan-Pemalang. System integration transactions on segments should have been implemented before the current homecoming Lebaran 2016.
"The trial date of June 13 is not limited in time. If there is less will be evaluated, "said Chief BPJT Herry Trisaputra Zuna, in palimanan, Monday (13/06/2016).
Herry explained, the integration process is expected to be able to parse the line to optimally because of the presence of such integration, the riders whose origin and purpose of his journey forward, only need to perform payment transactions at toll gates purposes and thus no longer transact in Toll Gate Cikopo, Toll Gate Plumbon, Toll gate Toll gate Ciperna and Mertapada. On the same occasion, Vice President Director of PT. Lintas Marga Sedaya (LMS), Hudaya Arryanto added that integration was started from the system and tools are made in harmony.
Other attempts to anticipate the accumulation of vehicles at toll booth exit palimanan LMS will also double the number of toll booth. "We (PT. LMS) will also be set up 23 substations of which were previously only 11 substations," he said.
Tariffs, he asserts that the prevailing rates remain as they are today. "To be sure to Category I of Jakarta - palimanan USD 109 500, with details of Jakarta - Cikampek Rp 13,500 and Cikampek - palimanan Rp 96,000," he said.
Integration of the transaction system will be divided into two clusters, namely Cluster I include Jakarta-Cikampek toll road (Jasa Marga), Toll Road Cipularang (Jasa Marga), Toll Road Padaleunyi (Jasa Marga) and Toll Road Cikopo palimanan (Lintas Marga Sedaya). As for the integration of Cluster II includes palimanan-kanci toll road (Jasa Marga), Toll Road Kanci-Pejagan (Semesta Marga Raya), and Pejagan-Pemalang Toll Road (Pejagan Pemalang Toll Road).
The mechanism of the transaction will be carried out as follows:
a. Line Out for Jakarta / Homecoming, road users will take KTME in Cikarang Top GT 1 and submit KTME and conduct payment transactions in GT palimanan tolls for roads Cluster I. After payment in GT palimanan, further road users take KTME for Cluster II and will paying the toll rates in substations out in accordance origin destination (closed system).
b. For the Path to Jakarta / Balik, road users take KTME Segment Cluster II at the substation entrance palimanan Ruas - East Brebes then handed KTME well as pay toll rates Ruas Cluster II in accordance origin destination (Closed Transaction System) on the substation exit GT palimanan. In GT palimanan transaction-specific. Furthermore, road users take KTME to segment Cluster I and conduct transactions in substations out the Jakarta-Cikampek (ie. GT Cikarang Top 2 or 3) or section Cipularang-Padaleunyi.
c. Implementation of payment transactions electronic toll (E-Toll) through the Bank's new joint (Bank Mandiri, BRI, BNI and BTN) and BCA for Cluster I, while the * transaction electronic toll * for Cluster II sementata just going through the Bank's new joint ~ N ~, * BCA will be joined in Cluster II after Lebaran later *.
Further Herry explained that one point of congestion is in Brebes East gate. There are eight tollbooth exit and entrance 3, other than that there is a reduction in lane after the Toll Gate East Brebes into the arteries. It becomes a node congestion.
"Operator Toll Road already prepared everything, and also streamline the payment. Predictable, payment every vehicle it 8 seconds so as not occurred a long queue of vehicles and long, "said Herrera.
But he appealed to travelers who will pay tolls for using exact change. This will help the estimated time when paying at the toll booth.

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