Page 110 - Buku BPJT 2020
P. 110
contributed to increased financial entities and banks that have invested transaction including, for example: ensuring
inclusion in Indonesia for it boosts people’s in chip-based electronic money. This the MLFF business model prepared by BUP
interests in opening bank account for top- migration can also lead to significant meets the cemumuah principle for payment
up purpose. According to Global Findex decrease in the number of chip-based system pursuant to the regulations that
Database 2017, the percentage of adults transactions due to domination of toll road apply. It involves educating the public about
posessing transaction account rose transaction in chip-based electronic money changes in toll road payment method from
from 36 percent in 2014 to 49 percent in transaction in transportation sector. tapping an electronic money card to an
2017. Meanwhile, the number of adults account-based payment, as well as the plan
making digital payment has increased by For information only, in 2020, the to use e-OBU (on board unit) that calls for
12 percent since 2014. In 2019, financial transportation sector alone contributed readiness of technology and infrastructure.
inclusion in Indonesia reached 76.19 approximately 12 percent or Rp25 trillion to Therefore, preparation for MLFF should be
percent, exceeding a target of 75 percent the total e-money transaction that reached followed by strengthening electronification
set by the government. Rp205 trillion. To maintain sustainability of of toll road payment in working area of
chip-based electronic money business, it Bank Indonesia’s Domestic Representative
In the following stage, the Ministry of is necessary to expand the ecosystem of Offices (KPwDN) considering their BADAN PENGATUR JALAN TOL
Public Works and Housing has planned retail transaction. Therefore, it is important strategic roles in strengthening cashless
to implement Multi Lane Free Flow to educate the public about either MLFF- ecosystem. Plus, the public must also be
(MLFF) as stipulated in Minister of based toll road or chip-based electronic ready for a contactless transaction.
PUPR Regulation Number 18 Year 2020 money retail ecosystem.
concerning Contactless and Cashless
Toll Road Transactions. The regulation Transformation towards online and
has specified that the Ministry of Public contactless digital toll road transaction
Works and Housing would establish must be balanced with modernization
Executive Business Entities (BUP) to of Bank Indonesia’s payment system
function as Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) infrastructure. This is in line with the retail
or Central Toll Service Provider (CTSP) in payment system configuration under
the implementation of MLFF. It is targeted Indonesia Payment System Blueprint
that contactless and cashless toll road (BSPI) 2025 that aims at higher efficiency
transactions will be implemented in and safety using current technology.
phases starting January 31, 2022. Prior to
implementation of the new method, the In addition, Bank Indonesia is currently
Ministry of Public Works and Housing will strengthening payment system
impose a 6-month transitional period by infrastructure through development of
implementing a hybrid toll road payment Integrated Payment Interface (IPT). IPT is
method, allowing users to pay using a platform which integrates all payment
both chip-based electronic money and channels to support interconnected,
contactless and cashless toll transaction. interoperable, and real-time transactions.
As a result, the system will allow contactless
Bank Indonesia supports the Ministry of and cashless toll road transaction to be
Public Works and Housing’s initiatives to fast, easy, low cost, safe, and reliable
develop a payment method that adopts (cepat, mudah, murah, aman, and andal,
contactless technology and allows multi abbreviated as cemumuah). Furthermore,
Source of Fund (SoF) payment in MLFF- account-based transaction supported by
based toll road ecosystem. It is expected digital transformation will provide more
that contactless technology will cut the entries to the big data that can be used for
duration of each transaction, from 3-4 analysis and decision makings on toll road
seconds to 0 second. and transportation sectors. BADAN PENGATUR JALAN TOL
On the other hand, migration to contactless There are challenges in supporting
cashless toll road transactions potentially the payment system for MLFF-based
causes disruption to toll road business contactless and cashless toll road
110 |
oll Road
110 | Transformasi Jalan Tol, Merajut Nusantara (Toll Road Transformation, Connecting The Nation)tion)
The Na
tion, Connec
ajut Nusan
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