Page 53 - Buku BPJT 2020
P. 53

optimal in order to meet the increasingly   Rp2.58 trillion at the end of 2020.      The increase in assets amid the pandemic
          high needs and expectations of the public                                            shows the resilience of business entities
          for the quality of toll road services.                                               against pressure.  The earning assets in
                                                    Meanwhile, Nusantara Infrastructure noted   the future will be a sustainable source of
          Business Entities Performance             a 1.38 percent decrease in total revenues   income for business entities. Moreover,
                                                    to Rp1.57 trillion by the end of December   the toll road concession  period  is fairly
          The infrastructure sector, particularly toll   2020. In particular, the toll revenue   long, ranging from 35 years to 50 years.
          roads,  were experiencing big challenges   decreased by 21.07 percent to  Rp328.26
          in 2020.  The toll road operators in the   billion due to declining performance in three   Capital Market Funding
          country also experienced the impact of the   toll roads, namely  Pondok  Aren-Serpong,
          Covid-19 pandemic that has suppressed     Tallo-Hasanuddin  Airport, and Soekarno-   The constraints faced by business
 BADAN   PENGATUR   JALAN   TOL  the toll road sector listed on the Indonesia   However, on the other hand, business   of  these  corporate  debt  securities,  such
                                                    Hatta-Pettarani Port.
                                                                                               entities  have caused a  number of  credit
          economic growth globally and nationally.
          Currently there are three companies of
                                                                                               rating  agencies  to  downgrade  the  rating
                                                    entities  were still able to increase their
                                                                                               as PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk, PT Wijaya
          Stock Exchange. The three companies are
                                                    assets  in 2020.  Jasa Marga recorded  an
          PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk, PT Nusantara
                                                                                               Karya (Persero) Tbk, and PT Waskita Karya
                                                    increase in total assets of 4.42 percent to
                                                                                               (Persero) Tbk. Even so, throughout 2020, a
          Infrastructure  Tbk, and PT Cipta Marga
          Nusaphala Persada Tbk or CMNP.
                                                    to Rp99.67 trillion at the end of 2019.
                                                                                               and sukuk as well as Limited Participation
          In general, the earning performance of    Rp 104.06 trillion as of end 2020, compared   few of these 4 companies still issued bonds
                                                                                               Fund (RDPT) for divestment purposes.
          these three companies experienced a       Nusantara Infrastructure also experienced
          decrease until the end of 2020 (year      an increase in total assets by 15.15       PT  Hutama  Karya  (Persero),  that  controls
          on  year) due to the pandemic.  This is   percent to Rp5.84 trillion during the same   the share of toll road work on Sumatra island,
          categorized as force majeure. Under normal   period.  The 50 percent increase in toll   issued global bonds worth 600 million US
          conditions, the performance of Jasa Marga,   road concession rights contributed to the   dollars or around Rp9 trillion in May 2020.
          Nusantara Infrastructure, and CMNP grew   increase in assets resulting Rp3.12 trillion.  The company listed the global bond on the
          by an average of 10.46 percent in the last                                           Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) and was
          five years.                               At the same time, PT Citra Marga Nusaphala   guaranteed by the Government Insurance.
                                                    Persada  Tbk  was  able  to  record  toll  road
          Until the end of December 2020,  Jasa     concession assets by 10.57 percent to      Domestically, most of the bonds  were
          Marga’s  toll revenues decreased  by      Rp8.79 trillion. CMNP’s overall assets     issued by PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk worth
          12,71 percent to Rp9.58 trillion. A number   increased 6.64 percent to Rp16.47 trillion.   Rp2.56 trillion, including Commercial Paper
          of roads that  were revenue sources                                                  (Surat Berharga Komersial/SBK)  worth
          experienced corrections, such as the
          Jakarta Outer Ring Road or JORR (excluding
          Section S) by 22.42 percent to Rp826.12   Tren Kinerja Pendapatan Badan Usaha (Business Entity Earning Performance Trends)
          billion. Likewise, the Cawang-Tomang-Pluit   Dalam Miliar Rupiah (In Billion IDR)
          and Jagorawi  roads were  corrected  23.70
          percent and 7.50 percent, respectively.      Jasa Marga     Nusantara Infrastructure  CMNP

          There  is  a  significant  decline  at  Prof.  Dr.                                                15.232
          Sedyatmo toll road to just 38.87 percent,                                            13.639
          or down to Rp376.38 billion. The decrease     Gabungan
          in toll revenues on the road access to        (Combined)                11.979                     3.527
          Soekarno Hatta Airport occurred in line with   9.262       11.223                     3.821
          the decline in service users of the aviation                             2.906                     1.574
          sector.                                        1.523        2.310                      782                    10,46%
                                                                      987           792
          Similar to  Jasa Marga,  CMNP also  noted       618
          a reduction in the toll roads that are the     7.121        7.926        8.281        9.036       10.131      18,29%
          access to the airport.  As of the end of
          December 2020, revenue for the SS
          Waru-Juanda Airport Toll Road in East Java
          decreased by 30.70 percent to Rp113.41                                                                        20,55%
          billion. Likewise, the revenue from the Inner
          City Ring Road Toll Road that is the biggest                                                                  7,31%
          contributor to it also fell 23.59 percent      2015         2016          2017         2018         2019       CAGR
          to Rp864.54 billion.  The total revenue of
          CMNP decreased by 26.62 percent to        Sumber/Source: Laporan Tahunan Jasa Marga, Nusantara Infrastructure, CMNP,
                                                    diolah (Jasa Marga, Nusantara Infrastructure, CMNP Annual Reports, processed)

                                                        Transformasi Jalan Tol, Merajut Nusantara (Toll Road Transformation, Connecting The Nation)   |   53
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