Page 45 - Buku BPJT 2020
P. 45

2020-2024 the target has doubled to
                                                                                               2,500 km long.

                                                                                               Challenges   in   Facing   Covid-19

                                                                                               However, the Covid-10 pandemic outbreak
                                                                                               affected the target that the government
                                                                                               had determined. Since the pandemic
                                                                                               broke out in Indonesia which was followed
                                                                                               by a Large-Scale Social Restriction
 BADAN   PENGATUR   JALAN   TOL                                                                impacted. In the DKI Jakarta region, PSBB
                                                                                               (Pembatasan  Sosial  Berskala  Besar/
                                                                                               PSBB), all aspects of the human life were

                                                                                               was implemented since 10 April 2020.

                                                                                               The Covid-19 pandemic forces the
                                                                                               government to reallocate a large sum of
                                                                                               the national budget in order to deal  with
                                                                                               it. The maximum 2020 budget limit for the
                                                                                               Ministry of Public Works and Housing was
                                                                                               Rp120.2 trillion, but it had to be cut down
                                                                                               to Rp75.63 trillion. The budget was then re-
                                                                                               amended and increased to Rp85.7 trillion
                                                                                               in order to support the National Economic
                                                                                               Recovery (Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional/
          Penandatanganan PPJT, 2020.
                                                                                               PEN) program.
                                                                                               As the result of this budget reallocation,
                                                    2020  Toll  Road                           many programs had to be delayed.  The
          again increased in December 2020 by 96.5.

          The Coordinating Ministry for Economic    Operations  Review                         implementation of projects that  were
                                                                                               just starting up or were ongoing had to be
          Affairs has announced that national                                                  extended. Even so, the Ministry of Public
          economic recovery in 2021 will be possible   Toll roads have transformed.  Toll roads   Works and Housing still supports the
          to  pursue  by  boosting  purchasing  power,   have changed the mobility patterns of   National Economic Recovery Program, such
          accelerating investment through structural   people and goods.  Toll roads support not   as by expanding the scope of the Cash For
          reforms, and restoring exports.  With this   only mobility over long distances, but also   Work Program.
          policy mix, economic growth in 2021 is    mobility between adjacent cities, such as
          projected in the range of 4.5 percent to 5.5   Solo-Semarang or Surabaya-Malang.     Apart  from that,  the Ministry of Public
          percent in 2021.                                                                     Works and Housing issued an Instruction
                                                    Passanger transportation services that     of the Minister of Public  Works and
          This figure falls within the range of some   offer travel via toll roads are also becoming   Housing  Number  02/IN/M/2020  regarding
          multilateral institutions.  The  World  Bank,   increasingly popular in public because of its   the Protocol for Preventing the Spread of
          for example,  estimated that Indonesia’s   short travel times, such as routes passing   Covid-19 in the Operation of Construction
          economy  will grow 4.4 percent in 2021.   through the  Trans-Java  Toll Road. Buss   Services. This regulation has become the
          Likewise,  IMF  projected  Indonesia’s    operators added not only routes, but also   guidelines for ITRA and business entities
          economic growth to reach 4.8 percent.     departure schedules because toll roads     in field executions. When a worker is found
          OECD predicted 4.4 percent growth in      provide a more certain  travel duration.   corona  virus positive, constructions shall
          Indonesia’s economy in 2021.                                                         be temporarily suspended
                                                    Chances for economic growth for cities
                                                    or regions along the toll road corridors are   For any business entities and construction
                                                    increasing. For example, development of    workers affected by Covid-19, ITRA  will
                                                    new industries is now available along the   endeavor to minimize any impact. For
                                                    Trans-Java Toll Road in the Central and East   such  purpose,  ITRA  has  proposed  three
                                                    Java regions.                              strategies, namely maintaining the credit
                                                                                               collectibility level to lenders, maintaining
                                                    While in 2015-2019  the government         the financial flows of business entities by
                                                    targeted  1,060  km  of  new  toll  roads,  in   speeding up the land bailout payment, and
                                                                                               seeking to adjust rates and concession

                                                        Transformasi Jalan Tol, Merajut Nusantara (Toll Road Transformation, Connecting The Nation)   |   45
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