Page 119 - Buku BPJT 2020
P. 119

was delighted by  an amazing  news        equipped  with “facilities” for  various
                                                     when President  Jokowi inaugurated the    animals, such as turtles, bears, deer, elk, or
                                                   I ekanbaru-Dumai  Toll Road at the end      other wild animals to pass through without
                                                    of September 2020. The news was that a     fear of life-threatening danger.
                                                    section of the toll road is facilitated with
                                                    five  “elephant  tunnels”,  located  in  Balai   Likewise, large dams there have a “water
                                                    Raja and Siak Kecil  Wildlife Reserve area.   ladder”  that  allows  salmons  to  continue
            Saya semakin gembira ketika             This  is  serious  news!  Why?  Because  toll   returning upstream to spawn each autumn.
            mendengar       kabar    bahwa          roads are not just about infrastructure, but   Back then I often asked myself, when would
            terowongan serupa akan pula             also about ecosentrism.                    Indonesia have this kind of facilities? Now
            dibangun di segmen  Aceh.               I was even more excited when I heard that   my answer is here.
 BADAN   PENGATUR   JALAN   TOL  ecosentrisme telah menjadi   equipped with similar tunnels. Now we are   We should keep going and work on similar
            Maka bolehlah kita yakin bahwa
                                                                                               Is ecosentrism enough? Yes, for now it is.
                                                    toll road segments in  Aceh  will also be
            bagian tak terpisahkan dari
                                                                                               compromise in other big infrastructure
                                                    finally allowed to believe that ecosentrism
                                                                                               projects. However, in the future,  we  will
                                                    has  become an  inseparable  part  of our
            cara pandang infrastruktur kita.
                                                                                               need to implement an even more advanced
                                                    infrastructure perspective.
            I  was even more excited  when
            I heard that toll  road segments        What  makes  ecosentrism  important?  Far   perspective: anthropocene.
                                                                                               What  is  anthropocene?  It  is  a  new  term
                                                    too long have  we been neglecting the
            in  Aceh  will  also be equipped        existence  of  wild  flora  and  fauna  during   introduced by United Nations Development
            with similar tunnels. Now  we           establishment of large infrastructures.    Programme (UNDP) during the launching of
            are  finally  allowed  to  believe      We seem to have forgotten that these       Human Development Report 2020 entitled
            that ecosentrism has become             creatures are fellow earth inhabitants. This   The Next Frontier: Human Development
            an  inseparable  part  of  our          perspective can’t be blamed since we grew   and the Anthropocene. The term illustrates
               infrastructure perspective.          up with heavy influence of anthropocentric   a new era where Planet Earth will no longer
                                                    perspective that deemed human kind as      form  human.  On  the  contrary,  human
                                                    apex creatures on earth and setting aside   civilization and technology  will shape the
                                                    other creatures is allowed.                fate of Planet Earth1.

                                                    However, we must not continue upholding    Our civilization must begin to direct
                                                    such perspective. It is time to shift toward   our  infrastructure  building  toward
                                                    ecosentrism,  which is a  way of thinking   anthropocene era.  This is especially
          The  Elephant                             that puts the earth (eco) as the center    important since  we possess natural
                                                                                               diversity like no other in the  world.  We
                                                    of interest. All children of the earth, such
          Tunnels  on Sumatra                       as  flora,  fauna,  wild  animals,  forests,   are rich in natural resources and have
          Toll:  Ecocentric                         volcanoes, rivers, estuaries, steep cliffs,   everything that we need to affect the fate
                                                                                               of Planet Earth. We have seas, magnificent
                                                    tectonic plates, as  well as humans,
          Infrastructure                            possess the same position and rights to    islands, beautiful bays and straits,
                                                                                               remaining forests  with  various exotic
                                                    utilize the earth.
                                                                                               animals, and friendly climate though sadly
                                                    We live on the same planet. We share roles,   has started to change recently. We need to
          By Dr Agus Prabowo                        not eliminating each others.  The era of   act while we still have everything!
          (Senior  Management     Advisor   for     ecosentrism seems to have started in our
          Environment Unit UNDP)                    country!                                   The story of Elephant  Tunnels on
                                                                                               Trans  Sumatra  Toll  Road  proves  that
                                                    We must admit that building infrastructure   our  infrastructures  do  not  only  serve
                                                    automatically changes landscapes. It       humans, but also care for the nature
                                                    is  inevitable.  However,  now  we  must   surrounding them.  Let’s prove that future
                                                    compromise more than ever.  We must        infrastructures will take care of the earth
                                                    always look for a win-win approach for the   as much or more than now.  We must be
                                                    benefits of humans and nature. Developed   ready to enter the anthropocene era…
                                                    countries such as Scandinavia, Canada, or
                                                    Japan, have implemented such compromise    1 The Covid-19 Pandemic, which causes
                                                    long before.  In fact, they have started it   damage like never before contributes
                                                    since the 1990s.                            more or less to this idea.  Warnings about
                                                                                                challenges in Anthropocene era, unless
                                                    That time, I  was stunned  witnessing a     humans change their way in interacting with
                                                    highway cutting through the landscape,      the planet.

                                                        Transformasi Jalan Tol, Merajut Nusantara (Toll Road Transformation, Connecting The Nation)   |   119
                                                       Transformasi Jalan Tol, Merajut Nusantara (Toll Road Transformation, Connecting The Nation)   |   119
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