Page 125 - Buku BPJT 2020
P. 125

Pada 9 September 2020, BPJT
            telah melelang pengusahaan  Jalan
            Tol Solo-Yogyakarta-New Yogyakarta
            International  Airport (NYIA) Kulon
            Progo dengan nilai investasi Rp
            26,64 triliun. Pemenang lelang
            untuk  pengelolaan  ruas  tersebut
            adalah PT Jogja Solo Marga Makmur,
            sebuah konsorsium  yang dipimpin
 BADAN   PENGATUR   JALAN   TOL  jalan tol dengan menggandeng PT
            Grup Gama. Kelompok  usaha ini
            merupakan pemain baru di sektor

            Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk dan PT Jasa
            Marga (Persero) Tbk.
            Kiprah Grup Gama menyusul Grup
            Sinar Mas melalui PT Bumi Serpong
            Damai Tbk yang memenangkan lelang
            pengusahaan jalan tol Serpong-                                                        Pekerjaan konstruksi di Jalan Tol Cinere-Serpong.
            Balaraja pada 2016. Para pemain
            baru   bakal  terus  bermunculan
            karena  berdasarkan  daftar  rencana
            pelelangan jalan tol di 2021 terdapat
            lima nama baru di industri jalan tol.

                                                    Toll road investment can also be done            2. PT Hutama Karya (Persero)
            On 9 September 2020, ITRA               through securities instruments or portfolio        also issued US$600 million
            has put  out the  concession  of the    investment in the capital market. By buying        denominated medium term notes
            Solo-Yogyakarta-New   Yogyakarta        shares or debt securities of companies             (MTN), or equal to Rp8.5 trillion to
            International  Airport (NYIA) Kulon     engaged in the toll road industry, investors       fund the Trans Sumatra Toll Road
            Progo  Toll Road to tender  with        will indirectly invest in the toll road industry.  project.
            an investment  value of Rp26.64
            trillion.  The tender  winner for the          During the 2016-2020 period, the          The trend of increasing investment
            management of the road is PT Jogja      1      value of debt securities issuances   4    in toll roads is in line  with the
            Solo Marga Makmur, a consortium                on the capital market has reached         improvement of systems for doing
            led by the Gama Group. This business           Rp50 trillion. This amount does not       business in Indonesia. Based the
            group is a new player in the toll road         take into  account debt securities        World Bank data, the Index of
            sector, partnering with PT Adhi Karya          that have been paid by obligers.          Ease of Doing Business Index in
            (Persero)  Tbk  and  PT  Jasa  Marga                                                     Indonesia is rank 73  in 2020,
            (Persero) Tbk.                                 The  total  fund  raised  from  five      went up from 91  in 2017.  The
                                                    2      securities issuances in the capital       existence of the Job Creation Law
            The Gama Group’s progress  follows             market in the 2017-2020 period            (Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja)  will
            the Sinar Mas Group through PT                 reached Rp10.84 trillion.                 eliminate  various obstacles that
            Bumi  Serpong  Damai  Tbk  that  won                                                     previously  hindered  the  flow  of
            the tender for the Serpong-Balaraja            In 2020, there  were at least 14          investment.
            toll road concession in 2016. New       3      issuances of debt securities worth
            players  will continue to emerge               Rp13.30 trillion by companies             ITRA seeks to  increase investor
            because  there  are  five  new  names          engaged in the toll road sector     5     confidence  in  the  toll  road  sector
            in the toll road industry based on the         and  those related to  the toll  road     by pursuing two strategies:
            list of toll road tender plans in 2021.
                                                           sector. For example:
                                                                                                     1. Improving  the   toll   road
                                                           1. PT  Jasa Marga (Persero)  Tbk            investment business.
                                                            issued bonds and commercial              2. Refining the investment contract
                                                            securities (SBK)  with a total             and establishing a financing pool.
                                                            issuance of Rp2.56 trillion.

                                                       Transformasi Jalan Tol, Merajut Nusantara (Toll Road Transformation, Connecting The Nation)   |   125
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