Page 83 - Buku Annual Report BPJT 2021
P. 83

Tarif Tol Gerbang Tol Kertajati Utama Akses Tol BIJB Kertajati

          2021 Toll Tariff Adjustment

              hroughout 2021, the Ministry of       Basically, toll tariffs are calculated based   power or ability.
              Public  Works and Housing has         on the road users’ economy, the profit from
         Tadjusted tariffs on 14 toll roads         vehicle operating costs, and the feasibility   Tariff adjustments are also an effort to
          and imposed tariffs on four new           of the investment. These three principles   maintain  the quality  of toll  road services
                                                    shall be considered in evaluating and
                                                                                               so that it remains in line with the increasing
          toll roads.  Toll tariffs  were adjusted   adjusting toll road tariffs.              public expectations for this sector.
          after the business entities pass the                                                 Therefore, TRBEs are not solely aiming to
          evaluation process of the old tariffs     From an investment perspective, tariff     achieve MSS to fulfill the requirements for
          and fulfillment of the Minimum Service    adjustments   are  the   government's      adjusting toll tariffs
          Standards (MSS) by the  Toll Road         commitment to maintain the toll road
          Business Entities (TRBEs).                investment   climate   in   Indonesia.     TRBEs  are   continuously  encouraged
                                                    Capital-intensive and long-term toll road   to improve the quality of toll roads in a
                                                    investments need a warranty for the capital   sustainable  manner.  TRBEs  are  not  only
                                                    that has been invested by the investors.   obliged to maintain road quality, but are also
                                                                                               required to improve supporting aspects on
                                                    On the other hand, tariff adjustments still   toll roads, such as rest and service areas.
                                                    take into account the people’s condition.
                                                    Laws governing toll road tariffs, such as the   The Indonesia  Toll Road  Authority also
                                                    old Law on Roads (Law No.38 of 2004) and   carries out periodic evaluations of the
                                                    the new Law on Roads (Law No.2 of 2022)    fulfillment  of  MSS  by  business  entities.
                                                    state that the evaluation and adjustment   These evaluations are a  way of realizing
                                                    of toll tariffs must consider the effect of   the  transformation,  innovation,  and
                                                    the  inflation  rate.  The  inflation  rate  is  an   modernization of toll road operations in
                                                    indicator to measure people's purchasing   Indonesia.

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