Page 31 - Buku BPJT 2020
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nfrastructure development as one of the Indonesia Toll Road Authority “TOLL ROAD
priorities of the government of President TRANSFORMATION, CONNECTING THE
IJoko Widodo and Vice President K.H. NATION”. This book is an overview of
Ma’ruf Amin for the period of 2020-2024 what the government had achieved and
must be continued and accelerated. One implemented in 2020. It covers everything
Pembangunan infrastruktur way to do so is by developing highway or toll from the status and conditions of toll roads
road infrastructures.
to plans for toll road construction in the
jalan tol yang telah berjalan di following year, namely 2021.
beberapa wilayah di Indonesia Toll or national roads are crucial as the
telah memberikan manfaat backbone of land connectivity. Specifically, This book also provides information
nyata dalam mendukung in time of Covid-19, infrastructure concerning investment opportunities
BADAN PENGATUR JALAN TOL They directly contribute in lowering economy straining under the burden of with that, this book provides an insight
for potential investors interested in
development, including toll roads, will
mobilitas orang dan barang.
serve as a means to revitalize national
investing within the toll road sector. In line
the global pandemic. Here, development
into the recovering investment climate,
transformation of toll road concession
of road infrastructure is one of many pillars
business operating costs, especially
and developments related to operational
supporting the national economy recovery
in the field of logistics. They enable
faster movements of goods and
Toll roads development underway in several
services and help in reducing (PEN) program planned by the government. aspects.
It is my biggest wish that every individual
areas in Indonesia have shown real benefits
national logistics costs. in the effort of supporting goods and within the toll road industry works to ensure
people mobility. In addition to that, they superior toll road quality. Every parties
play a role in spurring regional economic involved in toll road construction must
development. be mutually supportive and synergistic
to produce quality infrastructure that
They directly contribute in lowering benefits the public.
business operating costs, especially in
the field of logistics. They enable faster Finally, I would like to offer my gratitude to
movements of goods and services and all of those who worked hard in realizing a
help in reducing national logistics costs. smooth, excellent, and effective toll road
Therefore, it is expected that toll roads administration.
construction will lead to a growth in
Indonesian economic competitiveness. Jakarta, December 2020
According to World Bank Report, Indonesian
Logistic Performance Index (LPI) is ranked Minister of Public Works and
46th in 2018, quite a leap from the 66th Housing of the Republic of Indonesia
position in 2016. Infrastructure is one of the
supporting factors of that improvement.
From 2015 to November 2020, government
along with many enterprises have put M. Basuki Hadimuljono
into operation 1,545 kilometer (km) of
toll roads. Ten sections among them were
inaugurated in 2020 with a total length of
246.13 km. As for 2020-2024, the target
is to construct 2,724 km of toll roads
across Indonesia.
Toll roads are designed to do more than
merely connecting one region to another.
They have transformed into knots
connecting various economic activities.
They will link with special economic zones,
industrial zones, tourism zones and other
strategic zones.
I personally welcome the publication
of the Book 2020 Annual Report of the
Transformasi Jalan Tol, Merajut Nusantara (Toll Road Transformation, Connecting The Nation) | 31